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Some helpful information

How do find out Emilie's availability ?

Drop me a message or an email with your date and I'll get back to you ASAP to let you know!

How far in advance do I need to book ?

Some bookings are made years in advance, some last minute; so whatever your date, feel free to get in contact ! The sooner you book, the more personal the set list can be !

How do I confirm my booking ?

Once you have sent your enquiry, I will be in contact via email to discuss which package will suit your needs - once that's decided you will receive a confirmation email with your details and deposit info. Once your deposit is received, your booking will be secure !

Will Emilie learn our special song ?

Absolutely ! Let me know your request in advance and I'll happily learn it - whether it's your First Dance, Wedding Entrance, even a song for your Birthday - so long as I can get a good backing track, there'll be no problem !

Can I personalise the song list ?

You're more than welcome to pick out some favourites from my repertoire pages and I'll create my set list to suit you - whether you have a favourite decade or genre. With years of experience compiling set lists, I always aim to please everyone in the room.

Will Emilie travel ?

Yes ! I'm based in Cheshire East, but will happily travel to your venue.

Arrival and set up ?

I will always contact your venue in advance to confirm an arrival time - this means I can get set up and soundcheck without you having to worry.

How much space does Emilie need ?

Just enough space for me and my PA - the perks of singing to track means that you don't need to compromise your space to get Live Entertainment !

Will Emilie dress to suit the event ?

Absolutely ! I always aim to provide the most professional experience possible, and that includes well groomed hair, nails and an appropriate outfit. If required, you can even request for me to dress according to colour scheme or theme !

What is Emilie's cancellation policy ?

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, deposits are non refundable, with the full balance due 4 weeks before your confirmed date. Any cancellations nearer to the date will be non refundable.

Does Emilie have her own sound equipment ?

Yes. I will always come to your venue with a full PA system (PAT tested) and microphone.

How about a DJ ?

Unfortunately DJ packages are not something I currently provide.

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